FutureHealth Insurance Agency's new approach provides superior health insurance plans that include exclusive programs that enhance your students well-being. We offer your students more than just a medical safety net.
FutureHealth Insurance Agency's new approach provides superior health insurance plans that include exclusive programs that enhance your students well-being. We offer your students more than just a medical safety net.
FutureHealth has worked closely with college health services and we won't stop now. Our team promotes, supports, and refers students to use campus services whenever possible.
Our services are all inclusive. From the schools administration to the students, we have you covered.
Unlike most health education companies, we are constantly developing new topics and modules - every year to be exact!
Our health education program is all inclusive - students have access to the entire program, not just specific modules like other companies.
By using the ASAP hotline, students can save the equivalent of three (3) counseling visits because FutureHealth will pay for them.
FutureHealth has worked closely with college health services and we won't stop now. Our team promotes, supports, and refers students to use campus services whenever possible.
We provide services for colleges and universities that are seeking a comprehensive benefits package that focuses on more than just the student health insurance.
Our goal is to understand the needs of both the institution and its students, and to deliver a program that eliminates unnecessary costs, delivers innovative health and wellness solutions, and provides your campus with a custom plan design that fits in with your overall health objective.
We provide services for colleges and universities that are seeking a comprehensive benefits package that focuses on more than just the student health insurance.
Our goal is to understand the needs of both the institution and its students, and to deliver a program that eliminates unnecessary costs, delivers innovative health and wellness solutions, and provides your campus with a custom plan design that fits in with your overall health objective.
By enhancing traditional services and adding additional benefits, FutureHealth Insurance Agency is changing the way firms interact with colleges and universities.
Over the years we saw an increasing need, and yet a lack of resources, for valuable awareness and prevention education to be bundled in student health insurance.
FutureHealth was originally an online health and wellness education company. Our passion was, and is, bringing education to students with a focus on physical health and mental wellness.
Our Q email, for example, reaches out to students on a weekly basis to ensure that they have a line to ask questions or to reach out. This unique approach to reaching out to students on a casual level has enabled us to reach students on different levels and not just through an insurance ID card.
Aside from supporting students, FutureHealth Insurance Agency assists our clients in obtaining the best possible care for your students.
Kevin Saremi, the Founder and President of FutureHealth, has been in the student health insurance market for over 30 years. Prior to FutureHealth, Kevin started a third-party administrator company that became one of the largest providers nationwide for student health insurance. After over 20 years he sold to Berkshire Hathaway.
Kevin wanted to give back to the higher education market, so he created FutureHealth as a solid beginning for understanding, awareness, and the possible prevention of critical health issues that students are facing today. He then realized the best way to provide this critical information to the colleges and universities was to start FutureHealth Insurance Agency and bundle the product with student insurance.